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Python & C Tutorials, programming notes
by David M. Renner

This page contains:
1) Outlines, notes, and dictionaries on diverse software-related topics

Zip to download: TekDocs
You'll have to rename this file to a 'zip' extension to unzip it.

2) Tutorials you can download and run on your Windows or Linux PC.
     These are interactive programs that run from the command line.
     So far, there are two, a Python tutorial and a C tutorial:
The C demo (CPyDemo.ctxt) is just a single '.c' file that you can compile, and run.
If you're using Windows and don't have a C compiler, you can get one at:

PythonDemo is a collection of files; you need to have Python 2.6/2.7 or 3.0/3.2 installed to run it.
Sometime in the not-too-distant future I intend to create tutorials on C++ and Web programming

Hey, and just in case you're interested, here's my resume, in Word format: Resume of David M. Renner
or at LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile
Comments are welcome and may be directed to email Dave